
The Cooper O Cuddy

    the cooper o' cuddy
    tune—“bab at the bowster.”
    chorus—we'll hide the cooper behint the door,
    behint the door, behint the door,
    we'll hide the cooper behint the door,
    and cover him under a mawn, o.
    the cooper o' cuddy came here awa,
    he ca'd the girrs out o'er us a';
    an' our gudewife has gotten a ca',
    that's anger'd the silly gudeman o.
    we'll hide the cooper, c.
    he sought them out, he sought them in,
    wi' deil hae her! an', deil hae him!
    but the body he was sae doited and blin',
    he wist na where he was gaun o.
    we'll hide the cooper, c.
    they cooper'd at e'en, they cooper'd at morn,
    till our gudeman has gotten the scorn;
    on ilka brow she's planted a horn,
    and swears that there they sall stan' o.
    we'll hide the cooper, c.
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