
Meg O The Mill—Another Version

    meg o' the mill—another version
    o ken ye what meg o' the mill has gotten,
    an' ken ye what meg o' the mill has gotten?
    a braw new naig wi' the tail o' a rottan,
    and that's what meg o' the mill has gotten.
    o ken ye what meg o' the mill lo'es dearly,
    an' ken ye what meg o' the mill lo'es dearly?
    a dram o' gude strunt in the morning early,
    and that's what meg o' the mill lo'es dearly.
    o ken ye how meg o' the mill was married,
    an' ken ye how meg o' the mill was married?
    the priest he was oxter'd, the clark he was carried,
    and that's how meg o' the mill was married.
    o ken ye how meg o' the mill was bedded,
    an' ken ye how meg o' the mill was bedded?
    the groom gat sae fou', he fell awald beside it,
    and that's how meg o' the mill was bedded.
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