
O Can Ye Labour Lea?

    o can ye labour lea?
    chorus—o can ye labour lea, young man,
    o can ye labour lea?
    it fee nor bountith shall us twine
    gin ye can labour lea.
    i fee'd a man at michaelmas,
    wi' airle pennies three;
    but a' the faut i had to him,
    he could na labour lea,
    o can ye labour lea, c.
    o clappin's gude in febarwar,
    an' kissin's sweet in may;
    but my delight's the ploughman lad,
    that weel can labour lea,
    o can ye labour lea, c.
    o kissin is the key o' luve,
    and clappin' is the lock;
    an' makin' o's the best thing yet,
    that e'er a young thing gat.
    o can ye labour lea, c.
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