
Highland Harry Back Again

    highland harry back again
    my harry was a gallant gay,
    fu' stately strade he on the plain;
    but now he's banish'd far away,
    i'll never see him back again.
    chorus.—o for him back again!
    o for him back again!
    i wad gie a' knockhaspie's land
    for highland harry back again.
    when a' the lave gae to their bed,
    i wander dowie up the glen;
    i set me down and greet my fill,
    and aye i wish him back again.
    o for him, c.
    o were some villains hangit high,
    and ilka body had their ain!
    then i might see the joyfu' sight,
    my highland harry back again.
    o for him, c.
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