
Song—O Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day

    song—o tibbie, i hae seen the day
    tune—“invercauld's reel, or strathspey.”
    choir.—o tibbie, i hae seen the day,
    ye wadna been sae shy;
    for laik o' gear ye lightly me,
    but, trowth, i care na by.
    yestreen i met you on the moor,
    ye spak na, but gaed by like stour;
    ye geck at me because i'm poor,
    but fient a hair care i.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
    when coming hame on sunday last,
    upon the road as i cam past,
    ye snufft and ga'e your head a cast—
    but trowth i care't na by.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
    i doubt na, lass, but ye may think,
    because ye hae the name o' clink,
    that ye can please me at a wink,
    whene'er ye like to try.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
    but sorrow tak' him that's sae mean,
    altho' his pouch o' coin were clean,
    wha follows ony saucy quean,
    that looks sae proud and high.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
    altho' a lad were e'er sae smart,
    if that he want the yellow dirt,
    ye'll cast your head anither airt,
    and answer him fu' dry.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
    but, if he hae the name o' gear,
    ye'll fasten to him like a brier,
    tho' hardly he, for sense or lear,
    be better than the kye.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
    but, tibbie, lass, tak' my advice:
    your daddie's gear maks you sae nice;
    the deil a ane wad speir your price,
    were ye as poor as i.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
    there lives a lass beside yon park,
    i'd rather hae her in her sark,
    than you wi' a' your thousand mark;
    that gars you look sae high.
    o tibbie, i hae seen the day, c.
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